Give a Gift of Meals on Wheels
You can now purchase meals as a thoughtful gift, either for a specific Meals on Wheels client, or for other clients, as needed — see the options below. Individual recipients will also receive an appropriate greeting card (for example, a Valentine card in February), along with (but only if you wish it) your name as the giver of the gift.
Alternatively, you may choose to give a gift to provide one day's meal for every one of our clients.
Please select one of the three gift options:
1. A gift to provide meals for this MoW client:
Select an amount:
Other amount: $
($10 to $500)
2. A gift to provide meals for other MoW client(s), where needed:
Select an amount:
Other amount: $
($10 to $500)
3. A gift of $350 to provide one day's meal for every MoW client.
Yes, identify me as the giver of this gift. My name is: